kate-hers rhee
berlin, germany
kate-hers RHEE, Wish You Weren’t Here (And I Feel Fine), 2020, single-channel video, 16:9, 04:41
In Wish You Weren’t Here (And I Feel Fine), kate-hers RHEE revisits the famous Turkish Market in the Kreuzberg district in Berlin at end of April during the coronavirus pandemic. In this video performance, she wears a self-made mask out of linen, Korean hemp (sambe) stitched with her own hair which spells “THE OTHER.” Sambe is a Korean weaved fibre, and has been used for all traditional funeral clothing since the Japanese colonial period. Hearing RHEE’s whispered lyrics of the R.E.M. song, It’s the End of the World as We Know It, we accompany her through the length of the market, filled with customers trying to go about their everyday life.